What dog food is best for my dog?

A problem all dog owners face is what food is best for my dog. Finding the right food for your dog can be a daunting task, especially as their needs change as they grow older, have different nutritional needs, become sensitive to certain environments or are fussy eaters.
At Millbry Hill, we have a wealth of knowledge within our team and are regularly asked many questions from our valued customers about what food is best for their dog and their particular needs. So, we decided to list some of the most frequently asked questions to help you decide what food may be right for your furry friend.
1. My lurcher can't seem to put on weight. She is an 11 year old rescue, what food would be the best to bulk her up?
Feeding a higher calorie protein such as lamb, pork and beef can help your dog to gain weight. Certain working dog foods like Skinner's contain a higher fat content that can help dogs to gain weight especially if they are an energetic breed.
Consider a good dog coat too as many dogs that don't have a high fat coverage burn fat faster when they are trying to keep warm.

2. My 13 year old Whippet Cross is extremely fussy and will only eat his dinner if there is chicken, mince or some kind of human food on it. What is the best wet and dry food for fussy eaters?
Dog foods with higher meat content can help with a fussy dog, especially if they prefer human food. Brands such as Canagan, Harringtons and Millbry Hill's own brand of dog food all contain high meat content. The Millbry Hill Grain-Free range offers less commonly found flavours such as pork, rabbit and venison that can tempt a fussy dog.
We also offer bone broth that offers a range of benefits and is great for fussy dogs as it offers a tasty wet coating to their meal and is better than feeding gravy which can be high in salt.
3. My Doberman is hyperactive, what is the best food for him? He is 6 years old and doesn't sleep through the night, waking at 5 am each day.
A lot of dog foods on the market are high in artificial colours, cereals and meat/animal derivatives, which can cause a dog to be hyperactive. Some foods that are brightly coloured may look great but they can have a negative effect on your dog. Brands like Harringtons, Millbry Hill, Autarky and James Wellbeloved contain more natural ingredients that may help to calm your dog.
When looking for dog food, always remember the first ingredient you see is what the food contains the most of, so try and find one that doesn't contain the artificial ingredients mentioned here.
When looking for dog food, always remember the first ingredient you see is what the food contains the most of, so try and find one that doesn't contain the artificial ingredients mentioned here.

4. My 16 year old Jack Russell is extremely overweight. Due to his age, he doesn't walk very far so he doesn't get a lot of exercise. What is the best food for him?
Dog foods that offer a senior or light range are ideal for older dogs as they contain less fat, calories and protein than regular adult dog foods. Some senior dog foods also contain a joint aid such as Skinner's Light and Senior, to help older dog's joints.
5. I am rescuing a dog who has lived on the streets abroad all of its life. What would be the best food to start them on?
Firstly, establish what goal you are wanting to target, whether it be weight gain, weight loss or something gentle on their tummy. Hypoallergenic foods such as James Wellbeloved and Millbry Hill's Super Premium offer flavours that are kinder to the gut but also provide higher calorie flavours like pork and lamb and low calorie food ranges like senior and light.

6. I will be getting a puppy next month at 8 weeks old. What will be the best food to start them on?
When getting a puppy it is always best to ask the breeder for some of the food that the puppy has been weaned on so that you can transition your new pup slowly onto a new food. Once your puppy is settled, you can then consider changing food.
Whichever brand of food or recipe you decide is best for your dog, whether it be dry dog food or wet dog food, we have it here at Millbry Hill. Shop the full range of dog food available online and in-store.