Best Flea & Tick Treatments for your Pets

What is the best flea and tick treatment for your dog or cat? This question is constantly asked by pet owners everywhere with the increase in flea and tick populations through climate change and increased humidity, owners are asking what they can do to help protect their furry friends against these blood-sucking parasites.
At Millbry Hill, we understand the importance of preventing your pets from getting fleas and ticks and in this guide, we will provide a selection of preferred products to help you do just that. But firstly, lets take a look at what exactly is a flea and a tick.
Ticks are small parasites that feed on animal and human blood. They are more active in the warmer months and are commonly found in woodlands, long grass and areas with wildlife. Ticks can transmit diseases, so if you find a tick on your dog (less common on cats), it is important to remove it quickly.
Ticks don't jump or fly but will crawl onto your dog from long grass or wooded areas. They are small in size when they first attach, so they can be difficult to spot and often mistaken for a lump or skin tag but, they grow in size and darken in colour as they fill with blood.
Regular checks of your dog or cat around the head, ears, tummy, groin and armpits help to catch them quickly.
You should contact your vet if there is any sign of redness and swelling or if your pet seems unwell.

Fleas are small, wingless parasites that are able to jump onto your dog or cat and survive by sucking the blood of that animal (and even humans). They can be found in wildlife, long grass and shrubs and jump onto a warm, tasty host when your dog or cat ventures into those areas. It is important to detect them early as they can cause serious health problems in your pets such as skin irritation, itching and anemia.
A couple of fleas on your dog can multiply very quickly. Fleas can lay dozens of eggs directly on your pet's fur every day and spread wherever your pet brings them in your home.
Regular checks on your pet can help to detect signs of fleas. Signs of overgrooming, scratching, bald or sore patches can be signs of a flea infestation. Grooming your pet on a regular basis checking around the neck, down their back and tail is vital, checking for flea dirt or fleas.
Further flea prevention options are to keep the pet's environment clean, bathe with flea shampoo and use flea treatment as advised by your vet or follow the instructions included with the treatment from the manufacturer as treatments can vary and depend on the age and size of the animal.

What products can treat fleas & ticks?
Listed below is our top 5 products for tackling fleas and ticks on your pets and in your home;
1. Removing fleas from your pet
Smart Choice Pet Grooming Set 3 Pack

2. Bathing your pet with fleas
Bugalugs Dog Flea & Tick Shampoo

3. Treating your pet
Frontline Plus Spot On Flea Treatment for Medium Dogs

4. Tick remover

5. Tackling your home
Frontline Homegard Household Flea Spray

Millbry Hill stocks an extensive range of products to help with the prevention of fleas and ticks on your pet. With many leading brands such as Frontline and Bob Martin, we have the right selection to help rid your pet and home of nasty parasites. From puppies to large dogs, kittens to adult cats, our collection of flea treatments for dogs and flea treatments for cats contains many trusted products such as flea spray, flea shampoo, flea bombs, flea collars and a range of other flea & tick treatments to suit every pet owner.